About Us

The San Ramon Valley Street Smarts Program is a collaborative partnership between the Town of Danville, City of San Ramon, County of Contra Costa, San Ramon Valley Unified School District, San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District, San Ramon Valley Council of PTAs and community partners.

Street Smarts History – Rallying Behind a Cause

Street Smarts was created in 2004 following the tragic deaths of three San Ramon Valley children in two separate traffic-related accidents. Realizing that traffic incidents do not stop at political borders, the San Ramon Valley community came together to create the Street Smarts program.

In its first year, the Street Smarts Program launched efforts targeted to the elementary school population through a Poster Contest. The program expanded in 2005 to reach middle school students and in 2007, high school students. The program is intended to grow and evolve as new issues relating to traffic safety surfaces.

Street Smarts gets people thinking. The purpose is to address traffic safety problems at its source: in the minds of drivers, pedestrians and cyclists.

Street Smarts brings education to the equation. The purpose is to supplement, and complement the ongoing efforts involving engineering and enforcement.

Street Smarts works on different levels. The program has been promoted throughout the San Ramon Valley through a brand awareness campaign, community events, school activities and discussions, neighborhood initiatives, corporate sponsorships, banners and more.

Advisory Committee

Serving on the Street Smarts Program Advisory Committee are members of the public agency partners and interested parties. The committee meets quarterly and on an as-needed basis to review, develop and approve the Street Smarts action plan, program budgets, marketing plans, and financial plan.

List of Members:

Street Smarts Staff:
Dolores Pita
, Program Coordinator
Megan Wilkerson, Program Assistant
Patrick Urbanus, Program Assistant

Representing the City of San Ramon:
Richard Adler, Councilmember
Robert Jweinat, Councilmember
Chris Weeks, Transportation Manager
Maksim Zubko, Corporal, Police Department
Michael Wickman, Corporal, Police Department

Representing the Town of Danville:
Newell Arnerich
, Vice Mayor
Allan Shields, Transportation Program Manager
Melissa Haberer, Transportation Program Analyst
Edwin Martinez, Transportation Engineer Associate
Heather Transue, Administrative Lieutenant, Police Department
Ray Bullard, Traffic Sergeant, Police Department
Lindsay Ortiz, Community Services & Crime Prevention Coordinator

Representing Contra Costa County:

Candace Andersen, District II Supervisor
Jen Quallick, Chief of Staff for Supervisor Andersen
John Swann, Traffic Safety Engineer, Public Works

Representing the San Ramon Valley Unified School District:
Jesse vanZee, Trustee, Board of Education
Ilana Israel, Director of Communications and Community Relations

Representing the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District:
Michelle Lee, Board Member
Paige Meyer, Fire Chief

Danielle Bell, Fire and Safety, CERT Coordinator

Representing the San Ramon Valley Council of PTAs:
Toni Schultz, Danville Area Representative

For more information, please email Dolores Pita, Street Smarts Program Coordinator, at dpita@sanramon.ca.gov.